Judy's Desk...Ramblings on Life

I love to do so many things: I crochet, read, and I also write. I believe that it's the act of writing that makes me a writer, not my published works. This blog is a record of my often meandering path as I try and follow my muse.

Location: New Jersey, United States

The short version: crocheting and books...as necessary to my life as breathing!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I've renewed my membership in American Christian Fiction Writers. I thought my writing days had passed, but I find I can't get away from thinking of myself as a writer. I have taken a break, and hopefully I'll have regained my enthusiasm and the ideas will begin to percolate once again! I'll still be crocheting, mostly for charity, but I'll try not to have it be an obsession. I need to achieve some balance in my life.


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